7 Ways Precast Concrete Can Save Money


We are all looking to cut costs on our projects without sacrificing quality. When comparing concrete options, precast walls tend to be less wasteful and more environmentally friendly than other alternatives. In fact, using precast concrete walls instead of on-site pouring can provide a cost savings of up to 23%, respectively.

Furthermore, most project owners select the bid with the lowest cost, which means these savings could be enough to win the project bid. Here are seven ways to reduce concrete fence costs with precast concrete.

1.      Forms and Molds

Most cast-in-place concrete forms and molds are used once and then thrown away. This wasteful use of materials means an increase in cost to you. Precast concrete molds can be used multiple times, and most steel forms can last several decades. This reduction in materials needed to pour the concrete products amounts to greater cost savings.

2.      Transportation Costs

Even though precast walls need to be transported to the project site, this is easier and more efficient than dealing with mixer trucks. When concrete is in a mixer truck, the unstable environment risks temperature problems or delays. Any delays or issues could mean wasted concrete in trucks. Most projects will take several mixer trucks before the pour is completed, while precast concrete can be shipped efficiently with fewer trips.

3.      Prevent Delays

On-site concrete pours are all about timing. Inclement weather or other factors can easily delay a project – causing an increase in cost. Precast concrete is poured indoors in a controlled environment. Multiple project components can even be poured at once with precast concrete, which could mean getting the project done sooner than planned.

4.      Superior Quality

Since precast concrete products are produced in a controlled environment, they are often tested and reviewed for quality control.  They can be poured and cured at optimal temperatures, which increases the strength of the final product. There are very few delays during the pouring, so the concrete used is always at its peak performance. The attention to detail during casting makes for a product that will last longer – significantly reducing costs over the life of the product.

5.      Safer

When concrete is poured in a controlled environment, it eliminates many of the on-site hazards, including a reduction of slips, trips, and falls. Workers don’t have to pour concrete on scaffolding or in harnesses, as precast concrete can be poured at ground level. The reduction in height alone makes the whole project safer. Fewer accidents mean fewer delays and surprise costs.

6.      Energy Savings

Concrete walls, in general, are great at maintaining internal temperatures in buildings. This makes it superior to other construction materials. Precast walls can include insulation in the concrete – even after the concrete is poured. Added insulation increases the already fantastic insulating properties of concrete.

7.      Affordable Aesthetics

We are starting to realize the versatility of precast walls. They can be used to imitate expensive stone, masonry, tile and more at a fraction of the cost. The molds used in precast concrete can integrate elegant touches, like decorative motifs or arches, into the final product without the expensive costs of customization.

In the end, it’s all concrete, but not all products provide the same results. Selecting precast concrete for your project means more efficiency, more safety, and more quality – leading to more savings.

If you’re looking for precast walls or want to get more information about concrete fence cost for your next project, American Precast Concrete, Inc. can help. Contact us at 866-235-4268 or request a quote.