precast concrete
When considering installing a new fencing system, you have many choices such as wood, metal, brick, concrete. However, precast concrete should be your go-to. It’s easier and cheaper to install and maintain, and the strength and durability are top-notch. Fire, bugs, and natural wear and tear won’t bother it.  Maintenance is usually just a quick...
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precast concrete
You may know that precast concrete walls are superior because of their low cost, high durability, and ease of install and maintenance. Did you also know that they are the best option when you are looking to reduce sound coming onto your property? Sound is everywhere, and whether you live next to a busy highway...
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precast concrete
Are you planning some construction and considering using brick as your material of choice? We can’t blame you; brick construction can be absolutely beautiful. The only thing is, it can also be expensive and difficult to maintain. Over time, temperature changes can slowly break brick down, leaving you the job of either fixing it yourself...
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precast concrete
Over the past few decades, precast concrete has become more and more popular as a construction material for projects of all sizes. It makes sense: there is a wide range of benefits to using precast concrete and fewer drawbacks with traditional concrete and other materials.  But, as with any new product that comes to challenge...
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precast concrete
Concrete is one of the most durable building materials out there, but that doesn’t mean a concrete structure is without vulnerabilities. Over time, water and damaging chemicals can seep into concrete walls or fencing and cause structural damage. This is especially true in low-lying areas with a high water table. To combat these issues, waterproofing...
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precast concrete
For most people, concrete isn’t exactly the first material that comes to mind when they think of an attractive fence. It’s often far more lauded for its strength and durability than for its beauty. But the truth is, concrete can be aesthetically pleasing. It’s just a matter of the concrete you choose to use. Precast...
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Precast concrete walls pile
Large scale construction projects are becoming more and more complex. This increasing complexity doesn’t mean that the projects have unlimited time or budget – making it crucial to think carefully about how to go about completing the project. Here are the top benefits of using precast concrete for your large-scale project. Highest Quality Skilled workers...
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precast concrete
When you enter the world of precast concrete, you start to hear a lot of talk about strength and reinforcing. Since one of the main benefits of using precast concrete walls is how strong and durable it is, we want to share with you how to reinforce concrete walls and make them stronger. Compressive vs....
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precast concrete
One look at chiseled slate masonry can conjure an old-world grandeur unmatched by most other masonry. It’s also expensive and time-consuming to install and maintain. When you want the look of chiseled slate masonry, but can’t afford the price or hassle, American Precast Fences has you covered. Our precast concrete CHISELSTONE™ walls replicate the look...
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precast concrete
For many in the United States and worldwide, dealing with ever more intense fires has been at the forefront of their mind this summer. According to the Congressional Research Service, each year in California alone, an estimated 71,300 wildfires burn an average of 6.9 million acres since the year 2000. As we have watched these...
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