Will Precast Sound Barrier Walls and Fence Products Reduce Noise Pollution?

loud sound abatement - green lawn mower

If you don’t already have a precast concrete fence or wall, your home or business may not be as quiet as it could be. Noise pollution is a nuisance, and nobody wants to live or work in an environment that is filled with the constant hustle and bustle of what may be happening outside, such as:

  • Traffic
  • Lawnmowers
  • Construction
  • Noisy neighbors

At home, it can impact the quality of your sleep, and in the workplace, it can reduce concentration and put people in bad moods. A little bit of noise may not be that bothersome, but when it continues for long periods of time, it can be enough to really grind your nerves.

To put things into perspective, the average sound level of traffic from inside a building is 80 decibels. This is equivalent to the sound of an older dishwasher. It might seem minor – after all, the average sound level for a quiet library is 40 decibels, but this little bit of noise can have a big impact. The impact of sound levels increases when you are exposed to it for long periods of time, like 8 hours at a desk or when you are trying to sleep at night.

If you are working, being able to concentrate without the distraction can not only put you in a better mood but can help you get more done. And, when you are at home, you should be able to relax in peace and quiet, or not have to worry about outside noise keeping you up all night.

Could Noise Barrier Fence Panels Reduce Sound Pollution From a Highway?

A good, solid precast concrete fence or wall can lower the noise by 6-10 decibels. Again, this doesn’t seem like much, but the decibel scale is logarithmic. To our ears, a 10-decibel drop sounds like the noise is being cut in half. This may be enough not to hear the noise at all.

Precast concrete sound walls and fences and walls work so well at reducing or blocking noise pollution that some cities line major roads and interstates that run through residential areas with them to reduce noise pollution for the people living along the streets or highways.

The good news is that you can incorporate this same sound-blocking technique right at home for added noise protection. Many people are using precast concrete walls to create a noise barrier around their homes so they can better enjoy their time there.

The general rule is that the thicker the noise barrier wall is, the better it will block sound. Dense materials block sound waves.

Effective acoustic sound barrier walls or fencing needs to have no gaps or holes. Sound waves act like water and will flow through any holes or gaps. For noise barrier walls to completely block the sound of car tires, the wall needs to go all the way to the ground with no gap at the bottom of the retaining wall.

Generally, if you can see the noise source, you can hear it. Noise barriers should be tall enough to block sound. Even with a solid retaining wall system, elevated areas of your home, like decks or balconies, might not be safe from excessive sound. Greenery does very little to block noise, and you would need at least 50 feet of deep vegetation to drop the sound to acceptable levels.

How to Block Out Even More Sound by Improving Your Outdoor Wall System

Precast concrete walls are a great way to block out sounds, whether you want to install them around your business or your home. However, there are ways that you can up the ante and block out even more sound with your precast concrete fence or wall.

Sound Reducing Polyurethane or Stucco for Precast Concrete Sound Walls & Fencing

The sound reduction of sleek concrete fences and walls can be improved by applying either a sound-reducing polyurethane or stucco. Polyurethanes are applied like paint and, like any resin, two compounds must be mixed together prior to application. This makes application time-sensitive, which can make it difficult to apply and perhaps not the best choice.

Stucco is one of the best options. Its highly textured nature makes it attractive on acoustic concrete fences and noise walls, and it absorbs sound waves well. The only downside is that its application can be challenging and may require professional services.

Contact American Precast for a Sound Barrier Wall Consultation Today!

No one wants to live or work where road noise is a constant factor, but sometimes we have no choice. If noise pollution is an issue in your home or workplace, you can bring it down using a precast concrete sound barrier fence – quickly and efficiently.