You don’t have to wait until spring to have that new precast concrete fence installed on your property; winter is just as good a time as any to get the job done. In fact, winter may be the best time of all to have your new fencing installed. Here are five great reasons to have...Read More
When you enter the world of precast concrete, you start to hear a lot of talk about strength and reinforcing. Since one of the main benefits of using precast concrete walls is how strong and durable it is, we want to share with you how to reinforce concrete walls and make them stronger. Compressive vs....Read More
While details like what kind of precast concrete fence to build or what color to pick are important, they aren’t the most important. One of the top things to think about when planning your precast concrete fence is the placement. Why is this so important? For starters, getting it wrong could mean moving your fence...Read More
You have decided to install a precast concrete fence at your property – congratulations! Now, you might be wondering what to do next. One of the most important things to consider is where to put the fence. You will have to know where the property lines are when figuring out where to put your new...Read More
Neighbors can make or break your experience in a home. For the most part, it’s to our benefit to do what we can to get along with them. Your fence is the one part of your property that you might share with the neighbor, so it makes sense that one of the top disagreements among...Read More
Many choose to have professional help when installing their precast concrete fences. It can be an intensive project, and the professionals will likely be able to do it quicker and with fewer headaches. However, if you have the basic skills, it’s not impossible to do it on your own. Here is the best way to...Read More
Anyone who has tried to dig a hole in dry sand at the beach will know that some soil types can be challenging to work with. There are three main types of soil: sandy soil, loamy soil, and clay soil, along with other less common types like soils with gravel, chalk, or silt. Each of...Read More
At first glance, walls using concrete blocks might seem very similar to precast concrete walls. Both are made by pouring concrete into frames. Both are made with essentially the same concrete mixture. Even the strength is very similar. So, why would you choose precast concrete over block walls? What are the major differences between the...Read More
Installing a new concrete fence shouldn’t be a complicated process on the side of the consumer; instead, it should be simple and worry-free. When a precast concrete fence is installed, it is a quick and relatively painless process. Every step from design to installation is taken care of, so the consumer gets exactly what they...Read More
As a contractor, you likely have a lot of goals with projects, but most of them boil down to making the client happy and making money. Fortunately, using precast concrete for your fencing will help you reach your project goals, which is why most contractors prefer to use it.Read More