Neighbors can make or break your experience in a home. For the most part, it’s to our benefit to do what we can to get along with them. Your fence is the one part of your property that you might share with the neighbor, so it makes sense that one of the top disagreements among neighbors is fencing and property lines. Here are some etiquette tips when installing a precast concrete fence that should minimize the complaints from neighbors.
Learn and Respect Zoning and HOA Laws
Every town and HOA will have different rules about fencing. The zoning laws will often be about the fencing location and height, and the HOA will probably care a bit more about the look of the fence. Many HOAs want to make sure the fencing around the neighborhood is consistent in style.
While the zoning laws are different for each municipality, in general, some rules are consistent across the boards, like front yard fences can’t go higher than 4 feet, but the rest can be up to 6 feet tall. Failing to follow the laws of the municipality or HOA could result in fines or having to alter your fencing. Having to alter your fence can be a massive problem if the fence has already been built.
If you have any questions about zoning or HOA laws, contact representatives of each – they are typically very available. Once you know the laws, don’t try to sneak anything by. Respect the laws.
Know Your Property Boundaries
No one wants this scenario: you have just finished building your beautiful and expensive new fence when your neighbor comes knocking to inform you the property boundary is one foot off from where your fence lands. The best-case ending to this is you work something out with the neighbor. The worst case is you have to knock down and rebuild the fencing – all on your own dime.
If your neighbor is correct about the property boundary, they will be well within their rights to make you move it. It is on their property, after all. Avoid this headache by double and triple-checking the location of the property line. You can even talk to your neighbor before anything is designed and tell them what you are thinking. Study the plat or house line drawing.
If you still aren’t sure where the property line is, you can pay someone to determine where it is. Many fencing companies recommend you build the fence one foot off the property line to make sure there are no problems.
Consider Your Neighbor in the Design
This one is a little tricky and will depend on the relationship you have with your neighbor. You are paying for the fence, and it will be on your property – you make the final decisions. If you would like to see what your neighbor thinks of the design, they will have to look at the fence too, and attempting to consider their thoughts will further goodwill between both of you.
Plus, you might take this opportunity to talk with them about what it takes to maintain a precast concrete fence – not much – and plan to inspect/manage the fence’s side on their property.
Call American Precast Concrete today for a free custom estimate and avoid breaking HOA rules and boundaries with your neighbors.