The news is rife with worrisome stories about wildfires. Many people have seen the devastation fires can wreak. It’s easy to feel powerless and think there’s not much you can do in the face of such a ferocious force of nature. While there is some validity to that sentiment when the fires rage on, there...Read More
One of the biggest threats to your property in a wildfire-prone area is the wood fence around it. In this blog post, we will be discussing how fences can ignite and spread fires – and the ways you can help stop the problem. Fences Lead the Fire Right To Your Home or Barn Imagine for...Read More
In the past decades, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number and strength of wildfires. Driven largely by climate change, California has been especially hard hit. 2021 was the worst year so far. In August 2021, California fought its largest single wildfire – the Dixie Fire. Just how bad was the fire season...Read More