
precast concrete retaining walls
A precast concrete retaining block wall surrounding the boarder of a residential backyard.
Installing a precast concrete retaining wall on your property means using it as a layer of protection and added privacy for your property. As such, the wall will have to stand up to impacts, high winds, and other external forces. To that end, there are four primary parts of a precast concrete retaining wall that...
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A precast concrete hollow block wall being filled with a concrete mixture to ensure the durability and strength of the concrete wall blocks
If you have installed a precast concrete retaining wall that is made of hollow blocks, you might consider leaving them that way, but doing so can be a costly mistake that can affect the longevity and durability of the wall. The following factors should encourage you to fill those negative spaces with materials like crushed...
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Precast concrete retaining wall surrounding the perimeter of a flower bed.
If you’re a property owner, you’ve probably heard about retaining walls before. These walls offer significant benefits to the landscaping of residential and commercial properties. But if you aren’t well-versed in masonry, you may wonder what the point of a retaining wall is and where the ideal place is for one to be installed. This...
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Retaining wall needed for this home to protect it from the rain
Depending on where you live, dealing with heavy rain and the threat of landslides or floods might be major factors when planning your home or business. According to FEMA, just one inch of flooding in your home or business can cost you $27,000 in repairs. Landslides have the potential to bury your building completely. Most...
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