The Best Techniques for Cosmetic Repairs to Precast Concrete

A contractor repairing a crack in a precast concrete wall.

Even though precast concrete is designed to last for decades, minor damage and cosmetic flaws that form as a result of normal wear and tear are simply inevitable. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean you have to accept a structure that appears weathered or battered. There are steps you can take to repair these issues and restore their natural beauty.

Common Types of Cosmetic Damage

The following three forms of cosmetic damage can affect the appearance of your precast concrete components. They usually won’t affect the integrity or strength of the concrete, but you may want to repair any superficial damage to restore the appearance of its surface.


You will usually notice chips in the corners or edges of precast concrete. These are often the outcome of minor impacts against the surface, which can occur during shipping or as a result of poor handling of the concrete. During an installation, any accidental impact can also lead to chipping, thus requiring minor precast concrete repairs.


It can be difficult to distinguish spalls from chips, as they look similar and form near the edges of the concrete components in the same way. The difference, however, is that spalls are usually deeper and may expose the concrete’s structural supports. They also typically result from heavier impacts, often caused by forklifts and other heavy machinery.

Surface Cracks

These cracks result from an improper curing period. If the atmosphere is too hot or dry, the concrete will cure too quickly, causing a loss of moisture that shrinks the concrete and causes it to crack. Thankfully, while deeper cracks require more extensive repairs, surface cracks are usually superficial and easy to repair.

A Guide Precast Concrete Repairs for Cosmetic Damage

Repairing your precast concrete’s minor surface damage can be done easily and quickly through a process called patching, which simply involves filling in the blemish with an epoxy mortar or epoxy cement. Alternatively, you can use a polymer mixture for your precast concrete repairs.

Follow these steps to ensure your repairs go smoothly:

Clean the Surface

The first step is to clean debris away from the surface to ensure proper bonding. Schedule your precast concrete repairs for a warm day, since colder temperatures will also slow the drying process.

Moisten the Area

Use a brush to apply water to the area that needs repairing, or use a bonding agent for a better patch.

Finish the Patch

After moistening the area, apply the epoxy or polymer mixture, and use a trowel to spread the mixture smoothly and evenly. A properly leveled patch will blend nicely with the rest of the surface as it dries, though some light sanding can also help after it completely dries.

We Provide High-Quality Precast Concrete

When you need the best in precast concrete products, make American Precast Concrete your first stop. We can provide precast concrete products customized for your project. To discuss your needs, contact us today.