residential precast concrete fence in california
When remodeling your home, there are a lot of decisions to make. Decision fatigue occurs easily. We want to make things easy. Here are five reasons you should choose precast concrete for your next home remodel: #1. Easy to Install We make the Precast concrete in our warehouse, which means most of the dirty work...
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american precast concrete installing some precast panels to a new build site
Installing precast concrete is something you could do yourself. Here are some of the products you will need and the basic steps to install precast concrete. Products You Will Need 1. Planning First, you will need equipment to ensure the fence is level and straight. This step requires surveying equipment like a level, measuring tapes,...
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Precast concrete being used for commercial properties
Construction projects are increasingly turning to precast concrete. Is precast concrete the best construction material? Yes, and here are nine reasons why: #1. Lower Cost Than Cast-In-Place Unlike cast-in-place concrete, we make the precast concrete in a warehouse. The parts leave the warehouse once they are ready for installation at the project site. How does...
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woodcrete rails against a ranch with precast material
The most common material for ranch fencing is vinyl or wood. But, despite being common, are wood and vinyl the best options?  In today’s article, we will be discussing the type of material you should choose for your ranch fencing? Spoiler alert: the answer is precast concrete.  Why You Shouldn’t Go with Wood or Vinyl...
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Corner Lot commercial property looking for a precast fence
Questions can arise when installing a new residential fence on a corner lot. Do you need to do anything special on a corner lot? What material is best for a corner lot fence? Here’s why you need a precast fence on a corner lot. Corner Lots Use More Material and Are More Expensive You will...
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Precast concrete fence outside of an apartment complex
One question we hear a lot is, “What is the difference between modular fencing and precast concrete?” In the construction world, terms get thrown around. Such various terms can leave you feeling confused about it all. To clear things up, we will go over what exactly modular wall systems are and how they compare to...
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workers making precast concrete in the factory
Cracks in concrete are not just unsightly; they can compromise its structural strength and water tightness. Keep reading to learn what causes pesky cracks to form and how American Precast Concrete can prevent them.  What Causes Concrete to Crack During Production? Concrete cracks are so frustrating because several things can cause them. You must monitor...
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precast concrete wall outside of a modern house
We often use the words fence and wall to mean the same thing, but there are significant differences between the two. In this article, we will be going over the differences to help you decide which one you should choose. Precast Concrete Fence Vs. Wall: What’s The Difference? In some ways, fences and walls are...
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precast concrete not deteriorating after a rainstorm because it is waterproof
Precast concrete is durable, environmentally friendly, and low-cost, but is it waterproof? Precast concrete isn’t completely waterproof on its own, but it can be – with some help.  Since waterproofing is so important to protect precast concrete, manufacturers are constantly coming up with new ways to create precast concrete that is highly waterproof. Here are...
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Person repairing their precast concrete wall
Despite how precast concrete is one of the toughest building materials out there, sometimes things happen, and you might find a crack. The good news is most cracks are easy to fix. Here is the best 3 step process to fix the crack. Before you start, assess the size and the number of cracks. If...
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